ContentEY teams have helped hundreds of employers across many sectors capture the ERCContact the EY ERC Calculator teamCan churches and other religious organizations qualify for ERC?Step 5: Claim Your Employee Retention Tax Credit But if you employed one employee, then you may qualify for the ERTC on wages paid to that employee. There are three…
ContentIncome Statement vs P&L StatementDiscontinued OperationsWhat Is a Profit and Loss Statement?What’s a Multi-step income statement? Whether you're looking for investors for your business or want to apply for credit, you'll find that producing four types of financial statements can help you. The selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) category includes all of the overhead…
ContentMedicare TaxWithholding formsSocial Security Tax (FICA)The Additional Medicare TaxWhat is the difference between payroll tax and income tax?Reporting employer payroll taxes A Employers Responsibility For Fica Payroll Taxes other than a corporate employee or officer may be found to be a responsible person for purposes of the penalty. On the other hand, it is not…